Getting back into NumPy, Day 15-18

less than 1 minute read

It’s not been much Python in the last few days. I got stuck on my detour into Electron.js and Python, and now I’m almost done.

After a bit of experimentation I decided that this is a great way to write GUIs and Apps in Python. I know a fair amount of HTML, CSS and JS, and if I can combine this with Python I think it will be possible to create apps quickly.

But, if I’m going to write several apps, I would need to set up the framework several times. And I hate to do repetitive tasks. Especially when they are tedious.

So, I decided to set up a boilerplate repository for this, and I will follow up with a howto article so that more people can get into using this. I hope to be able to publish this article tomorrow.

If you want to take a sneak peak now, check out the repository: The README is still quite spartanic, and a lot of what I write in the howto post will be included there, so it will be improved shortly.

Stay tuned!