Getting back into NumPy, Day 9
Little progress today. I’m trying to get back into the algorithms and I’ve had to look through some of the old papers I used for my master’s thesis.
Little progress today. I’m trying to get back into the algorithms and I’ve had to look through some of the old papers I used for my master’s thesis.
I had to prioritize some other stuff, so even though I actually wrote some code, I didn’t manage to write about it. Anyhow…
A couple of days of travelling have messed up the schedule. I’m just going to continue on with my journey, even though the numbers are off :-)
(I didn’t do anything yesterday. Schande über mein Haupt as you say in German)
Today we’re pushing on with the heat maps. I still don’t have much data to analyze, but as I continue with the 100 day challenge, the data will more or less ...